Accept Lump Sum Estimate

Open the Accept Lump Sum Estimate screen

  1. Hover a mouse pointer over the Estimating menu link to display its drop-down menu.

  2. Click Accept LS Estimate to open the Accept Lump Sum Estimate screen.


Accept a lump sum estimate

  1. From the Accept Lump Sum Estimate screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.

  2. Select an agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.

  3. Select a request ID from the Request ID drop-down list. The information for the selected request ID is displayed in the grid.

  4. Since the Show Items button is selected by default, the items from the selected request ID is displayed in the Bills of Materials grid. Click the Show MIsc button to view the miscellaneous items.

  5. Click Accept Estimate to accept the selected estimate.


Reject the lump sum estimate

  1. From the Accept Lump Sum Estimate screen, select an organization from the Organization drop-down list.

  2. Select an agreement from the Agreement drop-down list.

  3. Select a request ID from the Request ID drop-down list. The information for the selected request ID is displayed in the grid.

  4. Since the Show Items button is selected by default, the items from the selected estimate is displayed in the Bills of Materials grid. Click the Show MIsc button to view the miscellaneous items for the selected estimate.

  5. Enter a reason for rejection into the Rejection Comments text box.

  6. Click Reject Estimate to reject the selected estimate.